My parenting style has three tenets: love, consistency, and patience.
I’m really low key and am guided by my belief in what is best for my
I am passionately pro-vaccination.
I believe every woman should try to breastfeed, but as a woman that had to switch to formula due to my thyroid, I see the merits of both.
I crib sleep for my own mental sanity, but we often bed share for naps.
I both baby wear and use a stroller depending on the situation.
I am a stay at home mom but I do occasional work out of the house as well.
I also strongly believe in public schooling.
I don't intend to spank as I believe it is psychologically detrimental.
I've never had to use "cry it out" on my baby because I consistently put her down when she was sleepy as a newborn.
Although I don't have a son (yet), I believe circumcision is mutilation and will not circumcise.